I call this invasion of America by Mexico a war. Because it is. The fact that made it crystal clear to me was when I found out that they were quietly and sneakily building Mexican consulate offices and Mexican Chamber of Commerces in many places in America.
They have been building a structure for their own Mexican government inside the U.S.A. They don't care about our laws because they don't EVER intend to obey them. They intend to make us obey THEM.
And they DON'T like us too much. Already you can tell when they break the law to come here.
Find out how many and where these Mexican government offices are and you'll find how close they think they are to conquering America.
Their disrespect for our law is their disrespect for American People-and our Sovereignty. Which is the heart of what makes America great...paid for with our families and friends blood, sweat, and tears. If we lose that, we've been beaten...and we have lost everything anyway.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aide of their country......
* It will strengthen links among Mexicans at home and abroad.
* It will allow Mexicans to keep their nationality after adopting another one from a foreign country.
* It will give individuals who may have lost their Mexican nationality, an opportunity to recover it.
The Nationality law which allows the preservation of Mexican nationality, regardless of the acquisition of another nationality or citizenship, is effective as of march 20th, 1998.
This law, which is based upon a constitutional reform approved unanimously by the Mexican Congress on December 1996, will allow Mexicans who live abroad and decide to adopt a foreign nationality or citizenship, to keep their Mexican nationality. It will also allow those individuals who were originally Mexicans and are now citizens of another country, to regain Mexican nationality.
1.- Background
The Mexican provisions regarding nationality, in effect over the last decades, stated that any Mexican who obtained another nationality would lose their Mexican nationality.
This has implied that Mexicans living abroad have had a face a dilemma regarding naturalization: on the one hand, if they became naturalized in their host countries in order to improve their migratory and legal status, they lost their Mexican nationality and all of their rights. On the other hand, if they did not obtain another nationality so as to retain the Mexican one, they were unable to fully exercise their rights in their host country.
In order to find a solution to this matter, on December 10, 1996, the Mexican Congress approved President Ernesto Zedillo's initiative regarding Articles 30, 32 and 37 of the Constitution which allows Mexicans to preserve their nationality, regardless of acquisition of another nationality or citizenship.
These reforms will also allow those Mexicans who are already citizens of another country to regain Mexican nationality.
2.- Who may benefit from this amendment
Mexicans living abroad, and willing to be naturalized as citizens of their host country, will be able to obtain that nationality while preserving the Mexican one.
Mexicans who have already acquired another nationality will be able to regain the Mexican one. Children of Mexicans at birth or naturalized will be able to acquire Mexican nationality.
For those Mexicans who have lost their nationality, there will be a period of five years, beginning the day of the entry into force of the amendment, in which they may recover it. The procedure of the followed is ready to be implemented as of March 20, 1998 and its simplicity and efficacy are ensured.
3.- Main benefits
The constitutional reforms and the new law provide the necessary legal framework to the principle of "Non-forfeit of Mexican Nationality", a long awaited demand be Mexicans living abroad. These Mexicans communities have long wished to preserve the rights the Mexican Constitution grants to its nationals and to maintain cultural and family ties with Mexico.
Mexicans living abroad will be free to travel and live in Mexico whenever they wish to do so, without having to comply with complicated formalities or apply for permits required for foreigners.
They will be able to buy land without any of the restrictions applied for foreigners. Likewise, none of the restrictions regarding inheritance and employment, concerning foreigners, can be applied.
Mexicans who regain nationality will continue to pay taxes in the country where they reside and earn income.
Mexicans living abroad will not be required to serve in the Mexican armed forces. They will only be required to register at the age of 18, either in Mexico or at its consulates or embassies.
4.- Implications on Voting Rights
Unlike other countries, Mexican legislation establishes a distinction between nationality and citizenship. Nationality refers to how people feel they belong to their country. Nationality is based on one's place of birth and the origins on one's parents. Citizenship implies nationality, as well as, the exercising of political rights which are acquired upon reaching legal age and residence among other requisites. The constitutional reform only modifies provisions related to nationality.
This amendment is not related in any way with the right to vote. So far, no Mexican living abroad is able to vote in any election held in Mexican territory.
Voting is related with citizenship. Thus, the possibility of eventually voting abroad is being separately analyzed and, in any case, would be regulated by The Federal Code of Electoral Institutions and Procedures. Thus, the nationality constitutional amendment and law do not affect voting matters.
The Mexican Government is granting the opportunity to people of Mexican decent who are naturalized citizens or citizen by birth of another country, to recover their Mexican Nationality.
To obtain the Declaration of Mexican Nationality, the interested party must meet the following:
Be at least 18 years of age and of sound mind.
Complete the application at the Mexican Consulate.
Present the following documents in original and two photocopies:
If the person was born in United States:
A Certified copy of the Birth Certificate, apostilled by the Secretary of State of the issuing authority.
Original or certified copies of the Mexican father or mother's birth certificate.
If the person was born in Mexico
Original or certified copy of the birth certificate.
Married women need to present the marriage certificate.
Document that proves the U.S. citizenship (i.e. passport or Certificate of Naturalization).
Official picture ID (i.e. Driver's license, passport, California ID, etc.)
Two-passport size photos.
This is a toll free process; the Mexican Consulate is the only autorizated institution to complete it. Upon receiving the Declaration of Mexican Nationality, a $14.00 fee will be assessed.
List of Mexican Consulates in the United Statesand Location Maps
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